The In's and Out's of our busy family of five!

BOY DEFINED: Nature's answer to that false belief that there is no such thing as perpetual motion....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

"The Gift of an Ordinary Day" by Katrina Kenison

That's all I can say about this video.
I got to see it on another blog I follow this morning and I decided to put
it on here so that all of you can
decide to make today
a count my blessings on an "ordinary" day
kind of day.
As I struggle to find my place in this new found
"Mom" territory, I find myself wishing I
could go back and do so much over...
but that isn't the point, as she says...
Immerse yourself in the memories that you
are making just in your everyday routine with
the does go WAY to fast, but
make even the simple moments count
I am finding out.
Oh, and it is OK to smell your little ones blanket when you pick it up off of the floor and fold it...but try not to cry, when you realize that he, too, is slowly pulling away from needing you so much.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Well, here are the three cherubs ready for school...each year that "seriously, hurry up" look on their faces gets more pronounced. I just LoVe to torture them!

They have seemingly settled in well to their new surroundings...this week will be better I hope...more familiar with the new faces, more comfortable with the new routine....each week should get easier. It's hard to watch them be the new kids on the block...wish I could take the brunt of that for them, but I can't, so I will just try and be supportive and encouraging...ya know, that thing Mom's are supposed to do. Oh, and pray harder that they fit in well and make some lasting friendships.

As excited as I was for them to start school again, I am seriously dreading the 6 am wakeup call every morning...I was so tired last night I turned out my light at 9:45! Didn't take long for me to pass out in a fit of exhaustion!! I also thought having a quiet house would be great....but I actually miss the company (most of the time)!! Eating lunch alone for the first time in 13 years hasn't been as great as I thought it would be....its WAY to quiet!!

I know in time that I will get used to it, and actually, the days have gone REALLY fast, but in my heart, I miss my guys...they have been my life for the past 13 years and I enjoyed having them around...fights and all.

OK, enough sensitive subjects...I am going to cry now.

All I can hope is that they miss me a little during the day, and that I have made some sort of difference in their lives so far.

And, just so I have something to aim for in the little time that I have with them now each day, here is my Mom checklist:

Don't worry, I know this is ALOT to live up to each day, so I will shoot for at least a 50% success rate here...don't want to disappoint myself or add to my "mother's guilt"!! After this long, I know how much I am capable of.

But, I encourage you all to look at this list and give it a shot...our kids are worth it don't you think?!?!?!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Belly" Laugh...

Just had to post this...funniest thing I have seen in a long time, and made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!! I needed that today.

I have always been in awe of those women who can have those LOVELY maternity photos taken...oh how I wish my pregnant belly would have been naked belly photo was NOT.

Enjoy the laugh...will be back tomorrow to share how I feel about being alone in my house all day now that all of my kids are in school . . . ALL DAY.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Loon Lake!

We took a little tripsey DDDDOOOOOOWWWWWWNNNNN the Oregon Coast, to beautiful Loon Lake...lets just say the trip was a LITTLE farther down than I thought! It became a joke after awhile, to see just HOW much further we had to go...I was trying to judge in 1/4 inches on our Oregon map! The boys somehow lost their sense of humor after we left Florence.

It was a rainy trip down 101..and I have forgotten just how much of a cow trail that road becomes once you leave Newport. I seriously thought we were going to topple over the cliff a few times...EEEK!

Beautiful drive though, even in the rain.

We finally arrived though...and Loon Lake looked promising...

Just kidding...this was the next day...we arrived to a temperature of just 55 degrees...after we had left a HOT 90 degree day back home in the valley!

I was a little nervous when we got up the next day, thinking this was going to be a camping trip filled with games and visiting inside the tent, but by 11 am or so, the skys parted and the day was much so that my skin will never be the same...OUCH.

The kids swam, and swam and swam...

Travis swam until he was numb with blue lips...
We roasted marshmallows, read, got really sandy and dirty, played with frogs and the kids fished...I STILL cannot tear worms apart to bait the hook...blech. I know, I am a wimp.
All in all, great little vacay...not sure we will go back unless we take the travel trailer for some noise protection though...apparently Loon Lake is a GREAT place to party into the WEE hours of the morning...and a tent provides NO sound barrier...oh, to be young again!